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Cake (Bánh), Recipes

How to Make Vietnamese flan recipe? [Step-by-step Guideline]

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Many people think that the Vietnamese flan recipe originates from the beautiful land of France, but in fact, it dates back to ancient Rome. At that time, people used chicken eggs combined with honey to create this sweet cake.

vietnamese flan recipe
Vietnamese Flan Recipe

Over time, they became known by the Latin language name “Flado” which means a cake ceremony. After that, this cake became known to many people in Spain and was modified. They use eggs mixed with milk and caramel (wine sugar syrup), and then steamed.

Since then, flan with caramel is famous throughout Europe and is chosen as a dessert. They are preferred by many people because of their attractive appearance. Let’s discover the Vietnamese banh flan recipe in this article.

What is Vietnamese flan cake?

Vietnamese flan recipe, also known as caramel, is a cake made with steaming egg, milk, and caramel ingredients. This particular variety of cake was first developed in Europe but has since gained widespread acceptance across the rest of the world.

In Vietnam, flan is often used as a dessert because of its delicious, sweet taste and rich nutrition. In particular, this is also a snack suitable for all ages, popular with young people, and very nutritious for young children and pregnant women. The way to make flan does not require any special techniques, so anyone can do it, even if they have just started learning how to bake.

Banh flan Vietnamese recipe is made from the main ingredients including eggs and milk, these are healthy foods. Eggs are rich in protein and amino acids, while milk adds calcium, phosphorus, protein, B vitamins, and other minerals to the body. In addition, when combined with some other ingredients such as fruits, coconut milk, coffee, and cheese …, the banh flan recipe also brings many nutritional values.

Maybe you also want to know more about Moon cake or Mon cake, you can try visiting our blog to get the recipe.

How to make Vietnamese flan cake recipe?

How to Make Vietnamese flan recipe? [Step-by-step Guideline]

Recipe by Anne TranCourse: Cake (Bánh), Recipes


Prep time


Cooking time






  • Chicken eggs: 5 eggs

  • Fresh milk: 500ml

  • White granulated sugar: 100g

  • Lemon juice: 1/2

  • Vanilla extract: 1 teaspoon

  • Filtered water: 100ml

  • Tools for making: pots, spoons, spatulas, molds…


  • Step 1: Make caramel
    Put 50 grams of sugar in the pot first, followed by one hundred milliliters of filtered water. The water will absorb the sugar evenly, preventing the sugar from sticking to the side of the pot and perhaps starting a fire or causing the sugar to crystallize once again.
    Put the pot on the stove to cook on medium heat, during the cooking process, you do not need to stir. If the brown sugar is dispersed unevenly, just lift the lid off the pot and give it a light shake. When the sugar has turned light yellow, add the lemon juice and turn off the heat. Next, put 70ml of filtered water in the pot, and shake the pot around to mix well.
    Finally, pour 1 tablespoon of the caramel you just made into each of the prepared flan molds and place it in the refrigerator to solidify.
    vietnamese flan recipe
  • Step 2: Make the flan mixture
    Put in a bowl 6 egg yolks, 4 eggs (both yolks and whites), 50g of sugar and stir gently in one direction and avoid creating many air bubbles.
    After that, you bring 500ml of unsweetened, fresh milk to a boil and continue to boil it until it reaches a steaming point. Then slowly pour the milk into the egg bowl, stirring while stirring to combine.
    Finally, strain the custard mixture through a sieve to remove the residue and make the paste smoother.
    vietnamese flan recipe
  • Step 3: Pour the cake mold
    Pour the custard mixture slowly into the caramel mold, remember to tilt the mold and pour gently so as not to create air bubbles, or the cake will be pitted after steaming. Next, close the lid of the cake pan.
    vietnamese flan recipe
  • Step 4: Steamed buns
    Using steaming: Use foil or heat-resistant foil to cover the cake mold to prevent steam from falling, causing the cake to be pitted. Prepare a steamer with water, place the cake molds in the pot, and steam at a temperature of 80 – 90 degrees Celsius (below boiling temperature) for 15-20 minutes.
    Using the rice cooker: Put a sufficient amount of water into the rice cooker, then place the cake molds in and cover with a towel over the mouth of the pot, covering the lid. Once the Cook button has been activated and the cake has been cooked for approximately 30 minutes, the pot should switch to the Warm mode.
    To know if the cake is cooked or not, use a toothpick to skewer the cake, if the toothpick comes out clean, there is no residue. To prevent the cake from pitting, you should steam it with low heat to cook it slowly. If you adjust the heat to high, it will cause the egg mixture to boil, making the cake prone to pitting.
    vietnamese flan recipe
  • Step 5: Finished Vietnamese flan cake recipe
    Fresh milk flan is super smooth and not pitted, each spoon of soft, greasy cake is mixed with sweet and delicious caramel.
    You can use the cake with crushed ice and some coffee to make it even more attractive!
    vietnamese flan recipe

Recipe Video

Common problems in recipe and solutions

The way to make a flan recipe Vietnamese is simple, but if you are new to making this dish for the first time, it is difficult to avoid unexpected problems. The following is a list of typical errors, along with the solutions to those errors, so that you can create the ideal batch.

Flan is pitted

  • Cause: Cause: The eggs were beaten excessively vigorously, which resulted in the flan having a large number of air bubbles. Additionally, baking or steaming the cake at a high temperature resulted in the flan cracking.
  • Solution: Use a clean, absorbent towel to cover the mouth of the pot and then close the lid. Open the lid of the pot every 10 to 15 minutes while it is steaming and wipe away any water that has accumulated there. Covering or sealing the flan mold with foil, food wrap, etc. also works to prevent water from falling in.

Flan is not crowded

  • Cause: Cause: The proportion of eggs to milk in the recipe is incorrect (usually due to too much milk).  In addition, the baking / steaming temperature is too low or the time is not long enough for the cake to cook completely.
  • Solution: Measure accurately and follow the directions in the recipe.

Flan’s surface is dry

  • Cause: Due to mixing eggs, and milk not evenly or cooking at too high a temperature.
  • Solution: Cover or cover the flan when baking/steaming.

The fishy smell of eggs

  • Cause: The ratio of eggs and milk is not appropriate, do not boil or boil milk not yet.
  • Solution: Heat the milk first, then put it in the eggs. In addition to that, a suitable quantity of vanilla should be added to the cake so that it will no longer smell fishy and will have a more pleasant aroma.

The cake broke when removed from the mold

  • Cause: Cause: The ratio of liquid to eggs in the recipe is much too high. Because the baking or steaming time wasn’t long enough, or the refrigerated period wasn’t long enough.
  • Solution: Measure accurately and follow the directions in the recipe.

Caramel stuck to the bottom of the mold

  • Cause: Cooking sugar water too long or stirring a lot when cooking.
  • Solution: Do not boil sugar water for too long, just boil until the sugar water has reached.

Above are the shares of Tasty Touch about the secret to making delicious and nutritious Vietnamese flan recipe. If you are too bored with the traditional flan taste, try variations with a few ingredients to create more attractive colors and flavors for this familiar cake. Good luck to you!

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